
We know that with God all things are possible. Therefore, whatever the problem, there is always an answer. When a problem defies our imagination, when we cannot see what went wrong, when we are willing to be healed of that within us which brought the situation about, a Practitioner can help. A Practitioner uses their own mind to get clear about you and your desire, so that the One Mind in which we all live and move and have our being, will work positively in your life.

What is a Practitioner?

The Religious Science Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding; trained through the study of the Science of Mind®, in the art, science and skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment; one dedicated to the cause of helping others; licensed to practice professionally; bound by a high code of ethics to respect your confidence. Licensed Practitioners are listed in the back of Creative Thought Magazine.

What is Spiritual Mind Treatment?

Spiritual Mind Treatment is our form of affirmative prayer. The use of treatment in our daily lives gives us the privilege of choosing the direction of our thought, so we are in harmony with the Power greater than we are, and brings our experience out of the darkness of limitation. It is a very powerful tool used to change one’s thought, one’s belief, and one’s experience in a positive way.

As Dr. Ernest Homes explains in The Science of Mind®, "Treatment is the art, the act, and the science of consciously inducing thought within the Universal Subjectivity, for the purpose of demonstrating that we are surrounded by a Creative Medium which responds to us through a law of correspondence."

"In its more simple meaning, treatment is the time, process and method necessary to changing our thought. Treatment is clearing the thought of negation, of doubt and fear, and causing it to perceive the ever-presence of God."

Do I need a Practitioner?

Ask yourself the following questions:
Am I too close to my own problem to see the situation clearly? 
Do I feel that something is blocking that which I am seeking? 
Do I feel that I lack the experience with, the training in, or the understanding of the Science of Mind® principles necessary to resolve the difficulty? 

If any of these questions can be answered "yes," a Practitioner can be very helpful to you.

Once I decide to seek the services of a Practitioner, what do I do next?

When you have decided to seek the services of a Practitioner, you can help by:
Having faith in the Mind of God. It is Omnipotent and It does the work. 
Contemplating your challenge and get clear on what you want to accomplish in consciousness. 
Releasing your problem; give it to your Practitioner. 
Be ready to move forward in consciousness and accept a healing. 
Endeavoring to keep a positive attitude. Be expectant, accepting every good thing as part of your demonstration. 
Being thankful. Give thanks to God for the wonderful change that is taking place in your life. 

Must I be present in order for treatment to work?

No, Treatments are just as effective if the Practitioner is in your presence, on the telephone, or on the other side of the world. There is only One Mind, God’s Mind and that Mind is everywhere present. This is the Universal Subjectivity or Creative Medium to which Dr. Holmes refers, and within which Spiritual Mind Treatment does its work.

Can I do Spiritual Mind Treatment for myself?

Yes. The Practitioner will also assist you in the process and use of treatment. For example, the following simple treatment alone can raise your consciousness and your level of acceptance of good in your life:

There is One Universal Life, and I am unified with It. I declare that within this Divine Life is contained all that I need for a healthy, happy, prosperous life. I accept this good gladly, turning away from any appearance to the contrary. In deep gratitude I give thanks to God. And so it is.

After I receive the services of a Practitioner, what can I do to assist in the manifestation of my good?

Have faith in the healing power of the One Mind. Remember the words of Jesus: "The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the work." 
Release your problem to God. If the problem comes up in your mind later, dismiss it with a simple affirmation, such as, "Through treatment all things are possible. God is resolving this situation NOW." 
Use the treatment given to you by the Practitioner as many times as necessary every day. 
Keep a positive attitude. Believe and know that God desires your demonstration just as much as you do. 
Be grateful. Give heartfelt thanks to God for the wonderful changes that are taking place in your life. 

What is the cost to work with a Practitioner?

The work of the Practitioner is a professional service. RSI has established the fee schedule for Practitioner work as follows:

Single Treatment $35 

Recognize that treatment work is never withheld because of an inability to pay. Simple explain to the Practitioner, and ask for work in the area of prosperity so that you will be in a stable financial condition.




In Summary
Mental or spiritual treatment should bring into actual manifestation the health and happiness which are mankind’s normal and divine heritage. Such healing includes the emancipation of the mind from every form of bondage through a new concept of God, which causes the heart to beat with joy and gladness. This healing power is the consciousness of the Unity of all Life and the spiritual nature of all beings. Man’s life is rooted in the in the Universal and the Eternal, which life is none other than the Life of God. The healing process, in so far as it may be termed a process, is in becoming conscious of this eternal truth. 

-Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind®, page 163.